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NeuroElf - keyboard commands


While in principle all functions can be reached via the mouse (using menu items or clicking buttons), it is sometimes “faster” (e.g. by avoiding menu items) or “more precise” (e.g. to select the current position/viewpoint) to use keyboard shortcuts. Below is a list of key bindings to function calls:


To follow this page, you need to have the GUI open by entering neuroelf_gui at the Matlab prompt.

Background information

The GUI (and its satellite windows) have the following properties (which can, in part, be manipulated via keyboard commmands):

  • for the slicing view:
    • orientation (either neurological or radiological)
    • current view (either 3-panel or one of sagittal-, coronal-, or axial-only views)
    • current position (the X-/Y-/Z- coordinate at which the slicing planes are defined)
    • current volume (or timepoint) of 4D data (fixed at 1 when a 3D dataset is displayed)
    • crosshair display (on or off)
    • currently selected anatomical dataset/object (first dataset dropdown)
    • currently selected statistical dataset/object (second dataset dropdown)
    • currently selected maps from the statistical object (listbox of available maps)
    • statistics settings (tails, value-based thresholding, cluster thresholding on or off, transparency setting, joining or overpainting)
    • interpolation setting (on or off, type of interpolation either linear or cubic)
    • drawing mode (on or off, intensity or undo drawing, drawing-over range definition, brush size and shape, as well as 2D or 3D drawing; VMR/HDR only)
    • potentially linked GLM beta plotter UIs
  • for the surface view
    • viewpoint settings (as defined by azimuth and zenith angles, as well as X- and Y- translation along the viewing plane and a scaling factor)
    • currently shown surface objects (scenery listbox)
    • for each shown surface object the currently selected statistical object (configurable on the currently selected surface object only)
    • for each selected statistical object the currently selected maps
    • statistics setting (tails, value-based thresholding, surface cluster size thresholding on or off, transparency setting)
    • for each shown surface object a setup definition (faces or wireframe, transformation)

Main UI

Slicing view

  • orientation - O: toggle between neurological and radiological viewing mode
  • current view - T: cycle through the 4 view types (3-panel, sagittal, coronal, axial)
  • current position
    • cursor -left/-right: alter current position by decreasing (cursor-left) or increasing (cursor-right) the X-coordinate by 1mm (for 0.5mm-resolution VMRs: 0.5mm), thus altering the sagittal slice view
    • cursor -up/-down: alter current position by increasing (cursor-up) or decreasing (cursor-down) the Z-coordinate by 1mm (for 0.5mm-resolution VMRs: 0.5mm), thus altering the axial slice view
    • SHIFT + cursor -up/-down: alter current position by increasing (cursor-up) or decreasing (cursor-down) the Y-coordinate by 1mm (for 0.5mm-resolution VMRs: 0.5mm), thus altering the coronal slice view
  • current volume - SHIFT + cursor -left/-right: decrease (cursor-left) or increase (cursor-right) current volume by 1
  • crosshair display - A: toggle crosshair display between on and off
  • currently selected dataset - CTRL + S: select next available dataset for display (in the order they are listed in the dropdown)
  • currently selected map - SHIFT + M: select next available map from container (only works if exactly one map is selected)
  • statistics settings
    • 1/2: en-/ disable positive (1) and negative (2) tail of the currently selected (single) voxel-based map
    • C/K: toggle cluster-size based (k-) thresholding between on and off
    • J: toggle between map-joining and map-overpainting mode (if joined colors will be mixed, otherwise maps appearing later in the list have precedence over earlier maps)
    • N: negate alpha (transparency) value setting (in effect toggling the alpha-by-stats-value scaling between on and off)
    • ALT + cursor -up/-down: increase (cursor-up) or decrease (cursor-down) alpha setting value by 0.1, if value is negative, scale transparency by statistical value
  • interpolation
    • I: toggle interpolation setting between on and off
    • M: toggle interpolation mode between linear and cubic
  • drawing mode
    • B: switch drawing off (browse-mode)
    • D/3: switch drawing on and enable 2D (D) or 3D (3) drawing mode (within selected slice only)
    • U: toggle between regular (intensity value) and undo (from-buffer) drawing modes

Surface view

  • viewpoint
    • cursor -left/-right: increase (cursor-left, left-rotate) or decrease (cursor-right, right-rotate) azimuth angle of viewpoint by 5 degrees (between 0 and 360)
    • cursor -up/-down: decrease (cursor-up, up-rotate) or increase (cursor-down, down-rotate) zenith angle of viewpoint by 5 degrees (up to +/- 90)
    • SHIFT + cursor -left/-right: decrease (cursor-left, shift-left) or increase (cursor-right, shift-right) X-translation of viewpoint by 5mm (unrestricted)
    • SHIFT + cursor -up/-down: increase (cursor-up, shift-up) or decrease (cursor-down, shift-down) Y-translation of viewpoint by 5mm (unrestricted)
    • CTRL + cursor -up/-down: increase (cursor-up, zoom) or decrease (cursor-down, unzoom) scaling/zoom factor by factor 0.01 (unrestricted)
  • currently selected map - SHIFT + M: select next available map from container (only works if exactly one map is selected)
  • statistics settings
    • 1/2: en-/ disable positive (1) and negative (2) tail of the currently selected (single) voxel-based map
    • C/K: toggle cluster-size based (k-) thresholding between on and off
    • J: toggle between map-joining and map-overpainting mode (if joined colors will be mixed, otherwise maps appearing later in the list have precedence over earlier maps)

Global settings and functions

  • L: toggle between local-maximum splitting setting on and off (when using the Clustertable button)
  • R: reset viewmode (orientation to neurological, current position to 0, 0, 0; interpolation method to cubic, painting mode to regular, viewpoint to default settings, stats transparency alpha to 1)
  • S: toggle between full-size and reduced-size modes
  • X: toggle between auto-cluster extraction modes on and off (if on, selecting a cluster from the list of VOIs will automatically extract betas from a selected GLM)
  • Z: toggle between zoomed and un-zoomed view (in the slicing views)
  • CTRL + L: toggle between linked and un-linked browsing

Satellite UI

Orientation, current view, current position/viewpoint, current volume, crosshair display, currently selected map, interpolation and across-window-linking can be configured as with the main UI. Additionally, the following keyboard shortcuts are available:

  • SHIFT + S: save a screenshot as either BMP, JPG, PNG, or EPS (for high-quality images, particularly for surfaces, e.g. via Photoshop or GIMP rendering)

Alphabetical list

This list does not contain cursor commands!

  • A: toggle crosshair display between on and off (main UI and satellites, slicing view only)
  • B: switch drawing off (browse-mode) (main UI only, slicing view only)
  • C: toggle cluster-size based (k-) thresholding between on and off (main UI only, slicing and surface views)
neuroelf_gui_-_keyboard_commands.1301692538.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/04/01 21:15 by jochen