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NeuroElf - keyboard commands


While in principle all functions can be reached via the mouse (using menu items or clicking buttons), it is often “faster” to use keyboard shortcuts. Below is a list of key bindings to function calls:


To follow this page, you need to have the GUI open by entering neuroelf_gui at the Matlab prompt.

Background information

The GUI (and its satellite windows) have the following properties (which can, in part, be manipulated via keyboard commmands):

  • for the slicing view:
    • orientation (either neurological or radiological)
    • current view (either 3-panel or one of sagittal-, coronal-, or axial-only views)
    • current position (the X-/Y-/Z- coordinate at which the slicing planes are defined)
    • current volume (or timepoint) of 4D data (fixed at 1 when a 3D dataset is displayed)
    • crosshair display (on or off)
    • currently selected anatomical dataset/object (first dataset dropdown)
    • currently selected statistical dataset/object (second dataset dropdown)
    • currently selected maps from the statistical object (listbox of available maps)
    • statistics settings (tails, value-based thresholding, cluster thresholding on or off, transparency setting, joining or overpainting)
    • interpolation setting (on or off, type of interpolation either linear or cubic)
    • drawing mode (on or off, intensity or undo drawing, drawing-over range definition, brush size and shape, as well as 2D or 3D drawing; VMR/HDR only)
    • potentially linked GLM beta plotter UIs
  • for the surface view
    • viewpoint settings (as defined by azimuth and zenith angles, as well as X- and Y- translation along the viewing plane and a scaling factor)
    • currently shown surface objects (scenery listbox)
    • for each shown surface object the currently selected statistical object (configurable on the currently selected surface object only)
    • for each selected statistical object the currently selected maps
    • statistics setting (tails, value-based thresholding, surface cluster size thresholding on or off, transparency setting)
    • for each shown surface object a setup definition (faces or wireframe, transformation)

Main UI

Slicing view

  • orientation - O: toggle between neurological and radiological viewing mode
  • current view - T: cycle through the 4 view types (3-panel, sagittal, coronal, axial)
  • current position
    • cursor -left/-right: alter current position by decreasing (cursor-left) or increasing (cursor-right) the X-coordinate by 1mm (for 0.5mm-resolution VMRs: 0.5mm), thus altering the sagittal slice view
    • cursor -up/-down: alter current position by increasing (cursor-up) or decreasing (cursor-down) the Z-coordinate by 1mm (for 0.5mm-resolution VMRs: 0.5mm), thus altering the axial slice view
    • SHIFT + cursor -up/-down: alter current position by increasing (cursor-up) or decreasing (cursor-down) the Y-coordinate by 1mm (for 0.5mm-resolution VMRs: 0.5mm), thus altering the coronal slice view
  • current volume - SHIFT + cursor -left/-right: decrease (cursor-left) or increase (cursor-right) current volume by 1
  • crosshair display - A: toggle crosshair display between on and off
  • currently selected dataset - CTRL + S: select next available dataset for display (in the order they are listed in the dropdown)
  • currently selected map - SHIFT + M: select next available map from container (only works if exactly one map is selected)
  • statistics settings
    • 1/2: en-/ disable positive (1) and negative (2) tail of the currently selected (single) voxel-based map
    • C/K: toggle cluster-size based (k-) thresholding between on and off
    • J: toggle between map-joining and map-overpainting mode (if joined colors will be mixed, otherwise maps appearing later in the list have precedence over earlier maps)
    • N: negate alpha (transparency) value setting (in effect toggling the alpha-by-stats-value scaling between on and off)
    • ALT + cursor -up/-down: increase (cursor-up) or decrease (cursor-down) alpha setting value by 0.1, if value is negative, scale transparency by statistical value
  • interpolation
    • I: toggle interpolation setting between on and off
    • M: toggle interpolation mode between linear and cubic
  • drawing mode
    • B: switch drawing off (browse-mode)
    • D/3: switch drawing on and enable 2D (D) or 3D (3) drawing mode (within selected slice only)
    • U: toggle between regular (intensity value) and undo (from-buffer) drawing modes

Surface view

  • viewpoint
    • cursor -left/-right: increase (cursor-left, left-rotate) or decrease (cursor-right, right-rotate) azimuth angle of viewpoint by 5 degrees (between 0 and 360)
    • cursor -up/-down: decrease (cursor-up, up-rotate) or increase (cursor-down, down-rotate) zenith angle of viewpoint by 5 degrees (up to +/- 90)
    • SHIFT + cursor -left/-right: decrease (cursor-left, shift-left) or increase (cursor-right, shift-right) X-translation of viewpoint by 5mm (unrestricted)
    • SHIFT + cursor -up/-down: increase (cursor-up, shift-up) or decrease (cursor-down, shift-down) Y-translation of viewpoint by 5mm (unrestricted)
    • CTRL + cursor -up/-down: increase (cursor-up, zoom) or decrease (cursor-down, unzoom) scaling/zoom factor by factor 0.01 (unrestricted)
  • currently selected map - SHIFT + M: select next available map from container (only works if exactly one map is selected)
  • statistics settings
    • 1/2: en-/ disable positive (1) and negative (2) tail of the currently selected (single) voxel-based map
    • C/K: toggle cluster-size based (k-) thresholding between on and off
    • J: toggle between map-joining and map-overpainting mode (if joined colors will be mixed, otherwise maps appearing later in the list have precedence over earlier maps)

Global settings and functions

  • L: toggle between local-maximum splitting setting on and off (when using the Clustertable button)
  • R: reset viewmode (orientation to neurological, current position to 0, 0, 0; interpolation method to cubic, painting mode to regular, viewpoint to default settings, stats transparency alpha to 1)
  • S: toggle between full-size and reduced-size modes
  • X: toggle between auto-cluster extraction modes on and off (if on, selecting a cluster from the list of VOIs will automatically extract betas from a selected GLM)
  • Z: toggle between zoomed and un-zoomed view (in the slicing views)
  • CTRL + L: toggle between linked and un-linked browsing

Satellite UI

Orientation, current view, current position/viewpoint, current volume, crosshair display, currently selected map, interpolation and across-window-linking can be configured as with the main UI. Additionally, the following keyboard shortcuts are available:

  • SHIFT + S: save a screenshot as either BMP, JPG, PNG, or EPS (for high-quality images, particularly for surfaces, e.g. via Photoshop or GIMP rendering)

Alphabetical list

This list does not contain cursor commands!

  • A: toggle crosshair display between on and off (main UI and satellites, slicing view only)
  • B: switch drawing off (browse-mode) (main UI only, slicing view only)
  • C: toggle cluster-size based (k-) thresholding between on and off (main UI only, slicing and surface views)
neuroelf_gui_-_keyboard_commands.1301691800.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/04/01 21:03 by jochen