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neuroelf_feature_requests [2011/04/21 02:13] – added requests from CU and SCAN meetings jochenneuroelf_feature_requests [2011/05/08 02:19] (current) – moved two features to implemented section jochen
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 ^ Feature name              ^ Requested by       ^ Request date  ^ Description  ^ Status  ^ ^ Feature name              ^ Requested by       ^ Request date  ^ Description  ^ Status  ^
 | HDR menu -> segmentation  | Jochen Weber       | 4/12/2011     | adding segmentation (SPM-based) to the HDR menu  | in pipeline  | | HDR menu -> segmentation  | Jochen Weber       | 4/12/2011     | adding segmentation (SPM-based) to the HDR menu  | in pipeline  |
-| CreateSMP from VMP to AFT  | Jochen Weber      | 4/12/2011     | change the code so that it works for all map type objects (incl. CMP, GLM, HEAD, HDR, VMP)  | in pipeline  | 
 | ComputeFormula also for SMP  | Jochen Weber    | 4/12/2011     | add support for SMP::ComputeFormula (either different or combined implementation  | in pipeline  | | ComputeFormula also for SMP  | Jochen Weber    | 4/12/2011     | add support for SMP::ComputeFormula (either different or combined implementation  | in pipeline  |
 | physio confounds          | Lauren Atlas       | 4/18/2011     | support to automatically create confound regressors from physio (ECG) data, still needs specs!  | in pipeline  | | physio confounds          | Lauren Atlas       | 4/18/2011     | support to automatically create confound regressors from physio (ECG) data, still needs specs!  | in pipeline  |
 | better subject-specific VOI support  | Hakwan Lau  | 4/18/2011  | support for subject specific VOIs in ne_mdmvoicondavg -> MDM::VOITimeCourses, and throughout  | in pipeline  | | better subject-specific VOI support  | Hakwan Lau  | 4/18/2011  | support for subject specific VOIs in ne_mdmvoicondavg -> MDM::VOITimeCourses, and throughout  | in pipeline  |
-| NII export support for GLM/VMP formats  | Hakwan Lau  | 4/18/2011  | so far, the output method is limited to HDR/IMG, also support NII (checking that exported files contain valid transformation matrix!)  | in pipeline  | 
 | VOI time course plot      | Jochen Weber       | 4/20/2011     | option to plot VOI time courses (probably from within ne_mdmvoicondavg dialog), incl. PRT information  | in pipeline  | | VOI time course plot      | Jochen Weber       | 4/20/2011     | option to plot VOI time courses (probably from within ne_mdmvoicondavg dialog), incl. PRT information  | in pipeline  |
-| legend on bar plot        | SCAN Unit          | 4/20/2011     | add optional legend to bar plot  | in pipeline  | 
 | multi-study (MDM) dialog enhancements  | SCAN Unit  | 4/20/2011  | add RunTimeVars.Discard inspection/update feature into dialog; also feature to see condition names from models, options for single-trial GLM and PPI  | in pipeline  | | multi-study (MDM) dialog enhancements  | SCAN Unit  | 4/20/2011  | add RunTimeVars.Discard inspection/update feature into dialog; also feature to see condition names from models, options for single-trial GLM and PPI  | in pipeline  |
 | fmriqasheet enhancements/fix  | SCAN Unit      | 4/20/2011     | 1. percentage of outlier volumes is incorrect; 2. UI should get a dialog to assess multiple scans, give results for multiple scans, have options (e.g. realignment); 3. link fmriqasheet output to object.RunTimeVars.Discard field  | in pipeline  | | fmriqasheet enhancements/fix  | SCAN Unit      | 4/20/2011     | 1. percentage of outlier volumes is incorrect; 2. UI should get a dialog to assess multiple scans, give results for multiple scans, have options (e.g. realignment); 3. link fmriqasheet output to object.RunTimeVars.Discard field  | in pipeline  |
 | SDM::CalcBetas            | SCAN Unit          | 4/20/2011     | make it optional to first project out confounds (filters, motion) of both data and remaining model and then perform regression (thorough testing after implementation!!)  | in pipeline  | | SDM::CalcBetas            | SCAN Unit          | 4/20/2011     | make it optional to first project out confounds (filters, motion) of both data and remaining model and then perform regression (thorough testing after implementation!!)  | in pipeline  |
 | SDM::CalcBetas check/fix  | Jochen Weber       | 5/20/2010     | after code inspection, I realized that some features only exist in the help (masking/thresholding/global signal as nuisance); adding that code!!  | in pipeline  | | SDM::CalcBetas check/fix  | Jochen Weber       | 5/20/2010     | after code inspection, I realized that some features only exist in the help (masking/thresholding/global signal as nuisance); adding that code!!  | in pipeline  |
-| mutliple scatters         | Jen Silvers        | 5/18/2010     | ability to plot several, independent scatter plots in the GUI (e.g. for multiple groups of subjects or to compare conditions; interface still requires specification! probably define separate scatter types/colors per group with default being using the same; if split perform regression per group  | in pipeline  | 
 | local storage of configs  | Nick Ketz          | 5/18/2010     | in a network-based software setup (central installation of NeuroElf), the configuration files are currently shared (as they live in the installation folder); either make the filenames local (e.g. based on username) or store locally (in user folder)  | in pipeline  | | local storage of configs  | Nick Ketz          | 5/18/2010     | in a network-based software setup (central installation of NeuroElf), the configuration files are currently shared (as they live in the installation folder); either make the filenames local (e.g. based on username) or store locally (in user folder)  | in pipeline  |
 | spm5_prepro enhancement   | Jen Silvers        | 6/8/2010      | option to set a filename pattern for the VTCs that are created after preprocessing  | in pipeline  | | spm5_prepro enhancement   | Jen Silvers        | 6/8/2010      | option to set a filename pattern for the VTCs that are created after preprocessing  | in pipeline  |
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 | importvmp dialog enhancement  | Hedy Kober     | 5/18/2010     | allowing the user to specify Analyze/NIftI files containing maps from several folders  | in pipeline  | | importvmp dialog enhancement  | Hedy Kober     | 5/18/2010     | allowing the user to specify Analyze/NIftI files containing maps from several folders  | in pipeline  |
 | normalization check       | Jochen Weber       | 5/18/2010     | automatic generation (update) of a multi-subject/multi-session VTC (or other format) to quickly verify (via eyeballing) that the normalization has worked alright  | in pipeline  | | normalization check       | Jochen Weber       | 5/18/2010     | automatic generation (update) of a multi-subject/multi-session VTC (or other format) to quickly verify (via eyeballing) that the normalization has worked alright  | in pipeline  |
-| full support for 3D/4D HDR/NII MAT files  | Jochen Weber  | 4/12/2011  | support for SPM's 4D (and older 3D) MAT files with (different) quaternion matrices for each volume (sampling, updating, etc.)  | in pipeline  | 
 | weighted data             | Jochen Weber       | 4/12/2011     | start with data acquisition, weights = 1, then, during each processing/analysis step, carry over weights as estimate of plausibility of data; use weights for all subsequent steps  | not sure yet  | | weighted data             | Jochen Weber       | 4/12/2011     | start with data acquisition, weights = 1, then, during each processing/analysis step, carry over weights as estimate of plausibility of data; use weights for all subsequent steps  | not sure yet  |
 | VTC/VOI-network analysis  | Jochen Weber       | 4/12/2011     | different options to assess suspected network nodes of VOIs (correlation matrices, differences in correlations across conditions, Granger, SEM?, robust option, etc.)  | not sure yet  | | VTC/VOI-network analysis  | Jochen Weber       | 4/12/2011     | different options to assess suspected network nodes of VOIs (correlation matrices, differences in correlations across conditions, Granger, SEM?, robust option, etc.)  | not sure yet  |
-| flexplot                  | Jochen Weber       | 4/12/2011     | flexible plotting function that handles time courses (incl. patches), scatters, bars, etc. with unified syntax and framework, as well as "data source" options (object, method, arguments, etc.)  | not yet sure  | 
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 | combining VMPs (in GUI)   | Hedy Kober         | 5/18/2010     | dialog that allows to flexibly combine maps from several VMP containers  | v0.9b SNAPSHOT  | | combining VMPs (in GUI)   | Hedy Kober         | 5/18/2010     | dialog that allows to flexibly combine maps from several VMP containers  | v0.9b SNAPSHOT  |
 | importrfxglm bug fix      | Jochen Weber       | 5/18/2010     | currently the condition selection in importrfxglmfromspms does not allow to specify the conditions to be imported; while they can be easily removed after the import is complete, it would of course be nicer for that feature to work!  | v0.9c  | | importrfxglm bug fix      | Jochen Weber       | 5/18/2010     | currently the condition selection in importrfxglmfromspms does not allow to specify the conditions to be imported; while they can be easily removed after the import is complete, it would of course be nicer for that feature to work!  | v0.9c  |
 +| CreateSMP from VMP to AFT  | Jochen Weber      | 4/12/2011     | change the code so that it works for all map type objects (incl. CMP, GLM, HEAD, HDR, VMP)  | v0.9c  |
 +| NII export support for GLM/VMP formats  | Hakwan Lau  | 4/18/2011  | so far, the output method is limited to HDR/IMG, also support NII (checking that exported files contain valid transformation matrix!)  | v0.9c  |
 +| mutliple scatters         | Jen Silvers        | 5/18/2010     | ability to plot several, independent scatter plots in the GUI (e.g. for multiple groups of subjects or to compare conditions; interface still requires specification! probably define separate scatter types/colors per group with default being using the same; if split perform regression per group  | v0.9c  |
 +| legend on bar plot        | SCAN Unit          | 4/20/2011     | add optional legend to bar plot  | v0.9c SNAPSHOT  |
 +| full support for 3D/4D HDR/NII MAT files  | Jochen Weber  | 4/12/2011  | support for SPM's 4D (and older 3D) MAT files with (different) quaternion matrices for each volume (sampling, updating, etc.)  | v0.9c SNAPSHOT  |
neuroelf_feature_requests.1303352006.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/04/21 02:13 (external edit)