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NeuroElf release notes

This page contains a per-release list of substantial additions (new features) and changes (mostly fixes) to the stable toolbox installers (or alternative flat folders)

v0.9b (June 15 2010)

Mostly a service release to fix a lot of problems.

  • added features
  • major bug fixes
    • SDM objects created for mixed event-related design PRTs (some conditions with durations set to 0 or 1 ms, other conditions with actual epochs) are now created correctly by using a minimal time-bin length (configurable in the options to PRT::CreateSDM)
    • creating RFX t-maps now supports the subject selection (before this information was ignored, so that contrasts would always reflect all available subjects)

v0.9a (May 18 2010)

Initial release (prior, the toolbox's functionality was available under the name BVQXtools).

neuroelf_release_notes.1304128670.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/04/30 01:57 by jochen