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Creating and combining masks from VTCs
I wanted to create this page for two reasons:
- demonstrate quickly the ease of access on xff objects (in this case BrainVoyager QX types)
- give users the ability to create an SPM-comparable mask when running GLMs
You should have all the VTCs you want to combine in a group analysis (RFX-GLM) at hand. In this example, I assume that they are listed in an MDM file, which is BrainVoyager's way of specifying data for a group analysis.
The algorithm is as follows:
- make settings (i.e. required intensity level, either as ratio or fixed value)
- load MDM file
- load the first (next) VTC file
- for first VTC, create a MSK (mask) object with the same spatial layout
- for subsequent VTC, check spatial layout
- compute the mean over time
- clear the VTC
- build mask for this VTC (threshold mean)
- if first VTC, copy mask to combined mask array
- combine mask with combined mask array
- continue with step 3 (next VTC)
- optionally perform required step for mask thresholding (if not simple binary combination)
- store combined mask and save under new filename
- clear mask object
- create_msk_from_vtcs.m
% settings % - intensity threshold: values < 10 are treated as relative threshold! ithresh = 1.5; % - combine as sum or mask summask = true; % - if combine as sum, threshold ? subthresh = 0.75; % load MDM file mdm = xff('*.mdm', 'Please specify the MDM file to create a mask for...'); % load over VTCS for vc = 1:size(mdm.XTC_RTC, 1) % load first VTC vtc = xff(mdm.XTC_RTC{vc, 1}); if ~isxff(vtc, 'vtc') clearxffobjects({vtc}); error('Not a VTC file!'); end % create mask if vc == 1 msk = xff('new:msk'); msk.Resolution = vtc.Resolution; msk.XStart = vtc.XStart; msk.XEnd = vtc.XEnd; msk.YStart = vtc.YStart; msk.YEnd = vtc.YEnd; msk.ZStart = vtc.ZStart; msk.ZEnd = vtc.ZEnd; % test layout else if msk.Resolution ~= vtc.Resolution || ... msk.XStart ~= vtc.XStart || ... msk.XEnd ~= vtc.XEnd || ... msk.YStart ~= vtc.YStart || ... msk.YEnd ~= vtc.YEnd || ... msk.ZStart ~= vtc.ZStart || ... msk.ZEnd ~= vtc.ZEnd vtc.ClearObject; msk.ClearObject; error(sprintf('VTC %d (%s) mismatches layout!', vc, mdm.XTC_RTC{vc, 1})); end end % compute the mean over time mvtc = squeeze(mean(vtc.VTCData)); % clear VTC vtc.ClearObject; % threshold if ithresh < 10 mask = (mvtc >= (ithresh .* mean(mvtc(:)))); else mask = (mvtc >= ithresh); end % store or combine if vc == 1 combined = mask; else % sum or and mask? if summask combined = combined + mask; else combined = combined & mask; end end end % combine across subjects required (summed mask) if summask % subject threshold combined = (combined >= (subthresh * size(mdm.XTC_RTC, 1))); end % set in mask msk.Mask = uint(combined); % save mask msk.SaveAs; % clear msk and mdm msk.ClearObject; mdm.ClearObject;
creating_and_combining_masks_from_vtcs.1277266076.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/06/23 04:07 by jochen