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fmriquality [2010/06/17 15:15] – added final comment about thresholds being fixed for now jochenfmriquality [2010/11/26 18:50] (current) jochen
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 ===== Motivation ===== ===== Motivation =====
-There are several things that can go wrong during the acquisition phase (scanning) of a subjectsome of which severely impact the usability of subject'dataset. While any given project (study) is still in the stage of data collection (subjects are still being scanned), there is always the chance to decide that a particular subject might introduce too much noise into the eventually performed group statistic and should be discarded (and in this case replaced by another subject). +As said on the [[Processing stream - quality assessment|quality assessment]] pagethis function is used to determine whether or not given dataset (run) is suitable for subsequent data analysis.
- +
-Relevant for that decision could be one of the following issues: +
-  * the subject had to exit the scanner before the experiment was completed -> usually such a dataset needs to be discarded +
-  * the subject couldn't restrain from moving their head during the experiment -> depending on how difficult it is to find a replacement subject, it is advised to discard such a dataset +
-  * the scanner produced disproportionally strong noise in the data -> if possible, such a dataset should also be discarded +
- +
-Of course there are still many other possible reasons to discard any given subject (e.g. a score on a questionnaire/behavioral measure indicates that the subject does not fall into the distribution of the examined population of subjects), but especially the second and third issue mentioned above can be detected even before entering a subject's dataset into any given group analysis+
- +
-This function, ''fmriquality'' allows to assess some of the more general quality measures in a unified way.+
 ===== Requirements ===== ===== Requirements =====
-To run the fMRI quality checking function, the images need to be in one of the functional imaging data formats currently supported by the xff class (Analyze/NIftI, FMR/STC, VTC).+To run the fMRI quality checking function, the images need to be in one of the functional imaging data formats currently supported by the xff class
 +  * BrainVoyager's FMR (STC) format 
 +  * BrainVoyager's VTC format 
 +  * SPM'Analyze or NIftI (HDR/NII) formats (either as series of 3D volumes or a single 4D file)
 ===== Function reference ('help fmriquality') ===== ===== Function reference ('help fmriquality') =====
Line 44: Line 38:
         precision), plus some temporary arrays and, if motion correction         precision), plus some temporary arrays and, if motion correction
         is selected, with further memory allocation required!</file>         is selected, with further memory allocation required!</file>
 +===== Algorithm =====
 +The basic algorithm can be unpacked into the following steps:
 +  * read in the data (memory must at least allow one run to be loaded!)
 +  * reserve additional memory for some computation outcomes
 +  * compute mean and standard deviation (over time) images
 +  * detect foreground (brain) and background (black/air voxels) separately
 +  * compute average time courses for foreground and background (global and per-slice)
 +  * estimate the smoothness of the data (one value per volume; over time)
 +  * create a conservative estimate of the average (temporal) standard deviation of the background
 +  * compute a "global signal-to-noise ratio" (GlobalSNR) image (using this global background noise estimate)
 +  * compute a "local signal-to-noise ratio" (LocalSNR) image (using each voxel's individual standard deviation)
 +  * temporally filter timecourses (univariately) and estimate the amount of variance determined by low frequencies
 +  * if requested, perform motion detection/realignment and re-run the computations
 +Additionally, at the end of steps that produce time courses, an outlier detection is performed which amasses evidence for a given volume being an outlier.
 +==== Foreground / Background detection ====
 +The detection of the foreground involves the following steps:
 +  * selection of voxels for which the mean value (over time) exceeds the mean value over the entire 4D data slab
 +  * removal of stray voxels (by one step of 3D erosion following by a back-dilation and logical AND with the original selection)
 +  * sub-selection of the "biggest chunk" of cohesive voxels (clustering)
 +The detection of the background involves the following steps:
 +  * picking the median of over-time mean values for voxels where the mean value does not exceed the mean value over the entire 4D data slab (in other words the opposite of the preliminary foreground mask!)
 +  * selecting voxels for which the mean value is smaller than this median (very conservative background estimate)
 +  * removal of voxels for which more than 5 per cent of values are exactly 0 (depending on the scanner type and sequence parameters as well as field homogeneity corrections, some voxels are, more or less consitently, all-0, and hence not "true background" voxels
 +  * equally, sub-selection of the biggest chunk (to remove stray voxels)
 +==== Background noise estimate ====
 +The mentioned (conservative) estimate of the background noise is computed by
 +  * sorting the values of the temporal standard deviation in voxels marked as background
 +  * computing the average over the second and third quartile, so as not have voxels which are, for instance, on the fringe of the brain and, due to motion, for some portion of the run contain actual data, pollute the estimate; the idea being that the average noise picked up in air voxels should not be influenced by actual matter, even if only present in part of a run
 +==== Outlier detection ====
 +The following criteria are being considered for the detection of outliers:
 +  * the estimated smoothness in a given volume is further away than 6 standard deviations from the mean
 +  * the global foreground time course is further away than 5 standard deviations from the mean
 +  * the absolute of the 1st order derivative of the global foreground time course is further away than 5 standard deviations from the mean (detecting stark signal level shifts)
 +  * the Mahalanobis Distance over the foreground slices' time courses is further away than 5 standard deviations from the mean (detecting patterns in time courses across slices, e.g. when partial-volume effects of motion make a volume an outlier, particularly in interleaved sequences!), this is also done with the absolute of the 1st order derivatives of the foreground slices' time courses
 +  * the temporally fitered versions of the global foreground timecourse as well as Mahalanobis Distance over the filtered foreground slices' time courses are further away than 4 standard deviations from their respective mean
 ===== Usage ===== ===== Usage =====
 The most basic (and pre-configured) way of running fmriquality is by simply passing in the filename(s) or object of the run to check: The most basic (and pre-configured) way of running fmriquality is by simply passing in the filename(s) or object of the run to check:
-  * using Analyze files: <code matlab fmriquality_example1.m>qas = fmriquality(findfiles(sessionfolder, '*.img'));</code>+  * using Analyze files: <code matlab fmriquality_example1.m>qas = fmriquality(findfiles(sessionfolder, '*.img', 'depth=1'));</code>
   * using a BrainVoyager QX FMR file: <code matlab fmriquality_example2.m>fmr = xff('*.fmr', 'Select FMR for which you want to check the data quality...');   * using a BrainVoyager QX FMR file: <code matlab fmriquality_example2.m>fmr = xff('*.fmr', 'Select FMR for which you want to check the data quality...');
 qas = fmriquality(fmr);</code> qas = fmriquality(fmr);</code>
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 % running fmriquality % running fmriquality
 fmriquality(qafiles, qaopts);</code> fmriquality(qafiles, qaopts);</code>
 +  * create a quality assessment struct for all VTCs in an MDM, applying robust temporal filtering: <code matlab fmriquality_example4.m>% loop over VTCs in MDM
 +for study = 1:size(mdm.XTC_RTC, 1)
 +    % perform quality assessment
 +    q = fmriquality(mdm.XTC_RTC{study, 1}, struct('robfilt', true));
 +    % store as VTCNAME_qasheet.mat
 +    save([mdm.XTC_RTC{study, 1}(1:end-4) '_qasheet.mat'], 'q');
 +In case the QA sheet is not shown by the function (flag ''.qasheet'' set to ''false'', which is the default), the returned struct can be visualized via a call to ''fmriqasheet'':
 +<code matlab fmriqasheet_example.m>% load a QA sheet (contains variable/struct q !)
 +load CPU4212_run3_qasheet.mat
 +% open QA sheet
 If the ''.qasheet'' option is not set to true, the returned variable can later be passed to [[fmriqasheet]] manually (for scripted QA-ing). This variable is of type struct and contains (at least) the following fields: If the ''.qasheet'' option is not set to true, the returned variable can later be passed to [[fmriqasheet]] manually (for scripted QA-ing). This variable is of type struct and contains (at least) the following fields:
Line 77: Line 130:
 Please be aware that the first argument **must** be a list of filenames; so, even for a single NIftI ([[xff - NII format|NII]]) file, a cell array must be passed in: Please be aware that the first argument **must** be a list of filenames; so, even for a single NIftI ([[xff - NII format|NII]]) file, a cell array must be passed in:
-<code matlab fmriquality_example4.m>% using a single NII file+<code matlab fmriquality_example5.m>% using a single NII file
 qas = fmriquality({'vols.nii'});</code> qas = fmriquality({'vols.nii'});</code>
fmriquality.1276787752.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/06/17 15:15 by jochen