Table of Contents

Matlab - language elements

As with any programming (or for-conversation) language, Matlab's core language has a few different types of elements that are worth understanding, as this will make it easier to read and write code that works and is robust as well as easy to understand and edit by others.

The very basic elements are:

In addition, whenever Matlab encounters a word (sequence of alphanumeric characters beginning with a letter) that is not part of a string, a keyword, or addressing a fieldname of a structure (such as in structure.FieldName), Matlab tries to “resolve” (understand) this word in the following precedence (lookup, see function precedence order page on Mathworks):

This means that functions (built-in as well as user defined) can always be overridden by variables and appropriate class methods (e.g. for the @double class), which offers great opportunities, but also potential hazards. Also, functions that are part of Matlab's internal toolboxes but not fully built-in (e.g. var) can be overridden by user-defined functions. That means that you should be careful not to re-use function names that are already defined when writing your own functions!


This language element is mostly useful when code is not entered into the command line but rather organized in text files for repeated processing of statements.

% this is a comment describing the next statement line
disp('this is the first statement, displaying a line');
% this is another comment, describing that two numbers are added
s = a + b;

Control flow elements

When writing code, it is often crucial to be able to

Defining new functions

As explained above, Matlab interprets any word it encounters as potentially belonging to a function. To define a new function, all that is needed is to create a new file and add the desired function declaration on top (first line of actual code after optional comments):

function [list_of_outputs] = function_name(list_of_inputs)
% further optional comments
list_of_outputs = some_code(list_of_inputs);

The list_of_outputs and list_of_inputs words (identifiers) are optional, depending on the desired functionality. Sometimes, a function is not required to return any useful value (e.g. a function instructing Matlab to wait until a desired point in time is reached), or it requires no input (e.g. a function used to determine the currently active figure). However, in most situations (particularly where computations are performed), user defined functions will have both inputs (variables passed into the function such that the function has access to the values stored therein) and outputs (variables that, once the function has completed executing, will be passed back to the code that called the function).

As an additional language construct (which can be considered as pseudo-reserved keywords), the two identifiers varargin and varargout can be used to pass a variable number of arguments into a function and also allow the function to return a number of variables that is determined at run-time:

function [varargout] = variable_arguments_function(varargin)
% storing the sum of the first two arguments in the third output
varargout{3} = varargin{1} + varargin{2};

To make such code reliable, it is usually advisable to test the number of given inputs as well as the number of requested outputs with the corresponding nargin and nargout variables which are always pre-assigned before a function is executed.

One last important fact about functions: While Matlab does not create a copy of the variables before they are passed into a function, Matlab will not alter the content of a variable as it exists within the workspace that calls the function. In other words, if the following function is called:

function x = add1tox(x)
% add 1 to input
x = x + 1;

in the following way:

% define a variable
somevar = 10;
% call add1tox

The variable somevar will still have the value of 10! This is true regardless of the type or size of the variable (unless the storage is only referenced by the variable, such as for graphics handles or user defined objects)!

Conditional code execution

Matlab's principle way of allowing to execute code based on a conditional statement looks as follows:

% open a control flow structure, giving a condition
% upon which the embedded expressions are executed
if my_condition_is_met

The conditional expression that is given immediately following the if keyword is executed (and is, in fact, nothing but another expression). It usually is expected that this conditional expression returns a boolean (true or false) value, such that Matlab will then either execute the embedded expressions (if the conditional statement evaluates to true) or not (false). In case the conditional statement does not return a boolean value, Matlab automatically converts the returned value (if possible). In case this conversion fails, an error is thrown.

Conditional expressions can be “linked” (several conditions can be evaluated), by using logic operators (double ampersand and pipe characters):

if (test1 && test2) || (test3 && test4)

Which means that if either both test1 and test2 (these two) or both test3 and test4 result in a true outcome, some_function will be called with the input argument of some_value.