====== NeuroElf - all functions ====== This page can be seen as a whole-sale reference to all function (M-) files of the toolbox. Currently, the documentation is spotty at best... ===== Toolbox base folder, M-file list only ====== * [[BVQXfile]] - legacy function for BVQXtools users (passes to [[xff]]) * [[ac2vmp]] - convert ''activation_clusters'' MAT file (Tor Wager tools) to VMP * [[acpc2tal]] - convert AC-PC coordinates into TAL coordinates * [[acsvread]] - reads a text based (non-numeric) csv file * afni_parse - internal parser for AFNI HEADer file structures * [[alphasim - extended uses|alphasim]] - simulate noise data to estimate cluster threshold * [[analyze_setendian]] - set endian type for Analyze files * [[analyzetype]] - return properties of analyze image datatype * [[any2ascii]] - packs simple as well as complex variables into ascii * [[applybvtrf]] - apply BV transformation matrix to system coords * [[applyfdr]] - apply FDR thresholding to given statistic * [[applyspmsnc]] - apply SPM's spatial normalization (''*_sn.mat'') to coordinates * [[asciiread]] - reads a textfile into one char array * [[asciitab]] - create custom ASCII representation of 2-D matrix * [[asciiwrite]] - writes a textfile from a char array to file * [[auroc]] - compute area under ROC * [[autocorr]] - estimate auto-correlation in data * averagepmps - average PMP objects and create new object (//abandoned for now//) * [[averagevmrs]] - average VMRs * [[barycoord]] - returns barycentric coordinates of point vs. triangle * [[bcc2area]] - lookup TalairachBrain.vmr color codes * [[binread]] - reads a binary into one uint8 array * [[binwrite]] - writes a binary stream from a char/uint8 array to file * bitdump - dump bits in a uint buffer (//abandoned for now//) * [[bstrapbca]] - bootstrap statistic using BCa * [[bstrappct]] - bootstrap statistic using percentile * [[bvcoordconv]] - converting coordinates for BV * [[bvtrf]] - compile a transformation matrix as in the 3D volume tools * bvxaddvartofile - add a variable to an existing BVX file (//abandoned for now//) * bvxcreatefile - create new BVX file (//abandoned for now//) * [[calcbetas]] - perform GLM regression * [[cellipse]] - confidence ellipse coordinates for scatter plot * [[checkstruct]] - check an 1x1 struct for validity * [[checksyntax]] - checks a snippet of code for syntax validity * [[clearxffobjects]] - issue ClearObject call on several objects * [[clustercoords]] - get list of clusters in volume * [[clustercoordsc]] - get list of clusters in volume (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[clustermeshmap]] - cluster a SMP/SRF based map * [[clustermeshmapbin]] - cluster binary mesh-based map * [[clustervol]] - cluster volume with threshold * [[clustervol_struct]] - create cluster struct (cell array) for TW tools * [[colcode2uint32]] - convert from colcode to uint32 array * [[colorpicker]] - pick a color from the RGB/HSV color space * [[computehrv]] - compute HRV from onsets * [[conjval]] - conjugate value (same sign, min abs value with sign) * [[conjvalp]] - conjugate pvalues (same sign, max value with sign) * [[conv3d]] - perform 3D convolution (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[convones]] - convoles a function with a number of consecutive ones * [[correlinvtstat]] - convert t-statistic into correlation value * [[correlpvalue]] - pvalue of correlation coefficient * [[correltstat]] - convert correlation value into t-statistic * [[corrmap]] - correlation map * [[cov_nd]] - computes covariance and corrcoefs for vector pairs in N-D (//MEX file stub/help//) * cpfile - copies a file (//**deprecated!** use copyfile instead//) * crawford_abnorm - calculate Crawford's score abnormality measure (//abandoned for now//) * crawford_diff - calculate Crawford's single case t-score (//abandoned for now//) * crawford_diss - calculate Crawford's single case dissociation t-score (//abandoned for now//) * [[createfmr]] - create a FMR from a set of IMA/DCM files * [[createmarkervmp]] - create a VMP map with markers (electrode indicators) * [[createsrf]] - create a SRF object from coordinates and triangles * [[createvmr]] - create a VMR from a set of IMA/DCM files * [[csvdbupdate]] - update the data field from CSV files * [[custom_pwelch]] - compute Welch's periodogram power spectrum * cutnpastemovie - create an AVI movie from bitmap files (//abandoned for now//) * [[ddeblank]] - deblank on both ends of strings * [[degclust]] - degree of clustering of data * [[depcorrt]] - dependent correlation comparison t statistic * detecthandles - detect handles in 3D segmentation (//abandoned for now//) * detecthandles_o - detect handles in 3D segmentation (//abandoned for now//) * [[dicom4todmr]] - cheap try to convert a DICOM4 file into DMR/DWI * [[dicom4tofmr]] - cheap try to convert a DICOM4 file into FMR/STC * dicom_dic - internally used DICOM dictionary function * [[dilate3d]] - perform 3D dilation with operator * [[dispslice]] - displays a 2-D dataset as an image * [[dispslicemovie]] - display slice movie * [[dividetrimesh]] - divide triangular mesh into smaller triangles * [[emptysrf]] - create an empty surface container * [[erode3d]] - perform 3D erosion with operator * [[exceltocoords]] - converts MS-Excel notation into 1x4 double array * [[extcaller]] - from where was a call issued * [[fdr_thresholds]] - compute probability thresholds for q(FDR) levels * [[fendian]] - return an argument suitable for fopen (endianess) * [[fieldsize]] - get size of struct field(s) in bytes * [[fileguessendian]] - guess endian type of (partial) file content * [[filesize]] - return a file's size in bytes * [[fileswapendian]] - swap endian type of (partial) file content * [[findfiledir]] - find a named file or directory * [[findfiles]] - Linux/UNIX-like find command/function * [[findfirst]] - find first (or last) element != 0 in input (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[fisherr2z]] - convert Pearson correlation into z values * [[fitrobustbisquare]] - faster fitting function for robust bisquare * [[fitrobustbisquare_img]] - faster fitting function for robust bisquare * [[fitrobustbisquare_multi]] - faster fitting function for robust bisquare multiple models * [[flexinterpn]] - flexible data interpolation (up to 4D) (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[flexinterpn_demo]] - demonstration of flexinterpn * [[flexinterpn_method]] - call flexinterpn with one of the typical methods * [[flexmask]] - flexible data masking (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[floodfill3]] - keep adjacent values from seed point * [[fmriqasheet]] - create figure with output of fmriquality * [[fmriquality]] - get some quality assurance for fMRI data * [[gammapdf]] - gamma distribution Probability Density Function (PDF) * [[glmtstat]] - compute GLM t statistic * [[gluetostring]] - glues a cell array of chars to one delimited char array * [[gluetostringc]] - C-version of gluetostring (//MEX file stub/help//) * gradsmooth - apply gradient based smoothing (//abandoned for now//) * [[grep]] - GNU utils like grep * [[gzip]] - console/shell interface for MATLAB (does NOT work on Windows!) * [[hasfields]] - test whether a struct has the same fields as a template * [[heartbeats]] - detect heart beats and frequency in physio data * [[hexdump]] - dump hexadecimal values into string * [[histcount]] - M-file for histcountc MEX function * [[hrf]] - create canonical HRF shape * [[hrfboost]] - assume that best fit is the (root of) sum of squares * [[hxdouble]] - transform a double from/into a readable string * [[hxsingle]] - transform a single from/into a readable string * [[icbm2tal]] - apply non-linear normalization parameters from ICBM to TAL space * [[icc]] - intraclass correlation calculation * [[idftextread]] - read a text-converted IDF file (iView X) * [[image_complexity]] - give image complexity estimate * [[image_resize]] - resize a HxWxD numeric image to new measures * [[image_rotate]] - rotate a HxWxD numeric image * [[importbesa]] - import EEG/MEG data from a set of BESA files * [[importfif]] - import FIF file * [[importfmrfromanalyze]] - import an FMR from Analzye files * [[importrfxglmfromspms]] - import SPM beta maps to a BrainVoyager GLM file * [[importvmpfromspms]] - import several Analzye SPM map files * [[importvmrfromanalyze]] - import a VMR from an Analzye file * [[importvtcfromanalyze]] - import a VTC from Analzye files * [[indepcorrz]] - independent correlation comparison z statistic * [[initialalignment]] - perform the automatic IA * [[invsystem]] - inverts the output argument order of system(...) * [[isBVQXfile]] - legacy function for BVQXtools users (passes to [[isxff]]) * [[isabsolute]] - returns true if the given path is absolute * [[isectlp]] - compute intersection of line and plain (multi-dim) * [[isemptycell]] - returns a boolean array with isempty over cells (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[isinfnan]] - checking whether (any) element(s) are inf/nan (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[isrealvarname]] - true for valid variable name * [[isscalarcell]] - returns a boolean array with isscalar over cells (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[istransio]] - check (and validate) object * [[isxff]] - check (and validate) object * [[isxfigure]] - perform validity check on input * [[isxini]] - perform validity check on input * [[jksample]] - Jack-Knife sampling indices * [[joinlayers]] - joining of transimg layers into a HxWx3 image + alpha map (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[kendtau]] - returns the Kendall tau statistic for two vectors * [[kendtaupairsign]] - return kendall tau ties-correction value (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[kendtaut]] - give approximate t-score for kendall tau (via monte-carlo) * [[kendtauz]] - give approximate z-score for kendall tau (via formula) * [[kurt]] - compute kurtosis of data * [[limitrangec]] - limit data to a range (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[limittorange]] - limit data to percentile range * [[linscale]] - linear scaling transform * [[lsqueeze]] - linear squeeze into Nx1 array * [[ltriasc]] - ASCII form of a lower triangle matrix (for Mx) * [[madistd]] - Mahalanobis distance of single data argument * [[mainver]] - get matlab main version * [[makelabel]] - returns a valid label from input * [[mappvalue]] - convert stats to pvalue (signed) * [[maxgrad]] - return maximum direct neighbor gradient (diff) per voxel * maxpos - return not the max but only the pos (//deprecated, use minmaxmean instead//) * [[meannoinfnan]] - build mean of elements other than Inf/NaN * [[meanpsctrans]] - perform PSC transformation after regression * [[medianc]] - picking the median of an array using quickselect (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[memusage]] - give the current memory usage of the calling function * [[mergehemivmrs]] - merge segmented VMRs of LH and RH * [[mesh_morph]] - morph the coordinates of a mesh (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[mesh_neighborsarray]] - create a CxN neighbors list (0-filled) * [[mesh_reconstruct]] - create direct border reconstruction information * [[mesh_trianglestoneighbors]] - get mesh neighbors list from triangles (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[mesh_trimapmesh]] - get triangular mapping for two spherical meshes (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[minarray]] - minimize array size * [[minmaxbbox]] - get minimum, maximum bounding box of objects * [[minmaxmean]] - get min, max, and mean of data array (fast) (//MEX file stub/help//) * minpos - return not the min but only the pos (//deprecated, use minmaxmean instead//) * [[mkadir]] - create an absolute directory (unlike to MATLAB's mkdir) * [[mltype]] - return Matlab's datatype association * [[mmregress]] - multi-model regression * [[mni2tal]] - converts coordinates from MNI brain to best Talairach guess * [[mpackage]] - MatLab Installation Package Generator * [[mstrrep]] - replace multiple patterns (multi strrep) * [[mtc_concat]] - concatenate MTCs * [[mtimesnd]] - mtimes (AxB * BxC) over dims 3, 4, ... * [[multimatch]] - match two lists of strings and return matched in first * [[multiset]] - set properties for multiple handles * [[multislicetovol]] - convert a multislice MxNx1 image file to a XxYxZ 3-D volume * [[ne_fastica]] - perform ICA with FastICA algorithm * [[neuroelf_build]] - return the build number of NeuroElf * [[neuroelf_file]] - return file contents * [[neuroelf_gui]] - the NeuroElf graphical user interface (GUI) * [[neuroelf_license]] - display NeuroElf license * [[neuroelf_makefiles]] - create additional files used by NeuroElf * [[neuroelf_makelibs]] - compile MEX functions (mex/compiler needed!) * [[neuroelf_pack]] - create installation/update/diff package * [[neuroelf_path]] - get path where NeuroElf is installed * [[neuroelf_setup]] - NeuroElf post installation setup * [[neuroelf_version]] - return the version of NeuroElf * [[newhdr]] - create new HDR/NII object * [[newhiresvmr]] - create new hi-res VMR * [[newnatresvmp]] - create natural resolution VMP object * [[noinfnan]] - replace Inf/NaN's in input with replacement value * [[normcdfc]] - M-file stub for MEX file * [[normvecs]] - normalize vector lengths to 1 * [[num2strtab]] - creates a tabular data output of a numeric data table (//MEX file stub/help//) **NOT FUNCTIONAL YET** * [[orthimage]] - compute orthogonality matrix (for SPM like display) * [[orthsdm]] - orthogonalize SDM object in file * [[orthvec]] - cheap orthogonalization * [[orthvecs]] - orthogonalize vectors against each other * [[ostype]] - returns information about the currently used OS * [[osz]] - returns ones(size(svzar)) * [[packmosaic]] - pack one dimension into one/two other(s) * [[pairs]] - returns the pairs of values in a vector/matrix * [[parseformula]] - parse a formula * [[parseopts]] - parse optional input arguments with defaults * [[partoanalyze75]] - convert PAR/REC into Analyze 7.5 * [[pinvc]] - pseudo-inverse using svdc * [[plotcurves]] - plot different curves and select those of interest * [[pmbfilter]] - apply a poly-mask bias filter to an image * pmpalignment - compute alignment PMPs (//abandoned for now//) * [[poolgroups]] - pool several sample groups into one stats analysis * [[prefilter]] - spike/shift/resonance filter data * progresscount - display progress in console as a step based counter (//abandoned for now//) * [[psctrans]] - perform PSC transformation on time course * [[qsort]] - sorting of 1-D vectors (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[rangegrid]] - expand 4xD range definition into coordinates (using ndgrid) * [[ranktrans]] - return rank transform of data * [[rbalign]] - rigid-body alignment of one volume to a volume stack * [[readbesa]] - read in BESA export files for further processing * readhrv - reads a heart rate variability text file (//abandoned for now//) * [[readpar]] - read a Philips PAR file * [[reccheck]] - check quality of REC file (using a subset of fmriquality) * [[regress_coords]] - find best matching quaternion t to match coordinates * [[relfilename]] - build relative filename from two given files * [[renamedicom]] - rename a dicom file according to a pattern * [[renamefields]] - renames fields in a struct * [[renamefile]] - renames a file to another filename * render_vol - 3-D rendering of an spm_vol struct (//abandoned for now//) * [[renderlayers]] - rendering of transimg layers into a HxWx3 uint8 image (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[replacerobmean]] - replace outliers with robust mean estimate * [[resampleaa]] - anti-aliased resampling of data * [[rmean]] - re-weighted mean * [[robcorrcoef]] - robust correlation coefficient using bisquare weighting * [[robscatter]] - scatter data with option of robustfit * [[robustF]] - compute F scores given robust stats * [[robustmean]] - robust mean estimation * [[robustnsamplet]] - performs robust fit and computes t scores * [[robustnsamplet_img]] - apply robust N-sample test to set of images * [[robustt]] - compute t scores given robust stats * [[samplefmrspace]] - samples a data slab at a given set of coordinates * [[safecon]] - safe contrast computation taking missing values into account * [[scaledata]] - automatically scale data between gray-scale boundaries * [[scaleimage]] - automatically scale image data for image * [[sdist]] - statistics distributions * selectstruct - select from a struct with a clause (//abandoned for now//) * [[setinfnantomean]] - set Inf/NaN in input to mean (over dim) * [[setinfnantoval]] - set Inf/NaN in input to specific values(s) * [[showspmrparams]] - display the rp_*.txt files of an SPM preprocessing * [[showvtcsize]] - displays the sizes of VTCs found on the given path * [[shrinkfg]] - shrink foreground where no changes to topology are made * [[skew]] - compute skewness of data * slydetrend - slyly detrends signal (//abandoned for now//) * [[smoothdata3]] - apply gaussian smoothing to 3D data * [[smoothest3d]] - estimate smoothness map of residual time course data * [[smoothkern]] - build N-dim smoothing kernel from FWHM * [[smoothned]] - smooth non-equidistant data with a gaussian kernel * [[smpdist]] - sample values from a discrete distribution * [[solvesudoku]] - solve a sudoku puzzle * [[spatent]] - spatial entropy of map values * [[spherecoords]] - compute spherical coordinates * [[spherecoordsinv]] - compute cartesian coordinates from spherical ones * [[spheresrf]] - create a new sphere SRF * [[spherevmr]] - create a 256x256x256 VMR for spherical region growing * [[splitclustercoords]] - split coords of one cluster to subclusters * [[splittocell]] - split a delimited string into a cell array * [[splittocellc]] - C-version of splittocell (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[spm5_preprojobs]] - create jobs and jobhelps from options * [[spmitrf]] - uncompile an affine transformation into paramters * [[spmmat2prt]] - convert a SPM.mat file into BV's PRT file(s) * [[spmmat2sdm]] - convert a SPM.mat file into BV's SDM file(s) * [[spmtrf]] - compile a transformation matrix as in spm * srfalignment - align surface according to their folding patterns (//abandoned for now//) * srfbvxalign - perform alignment of SRFs in a BVX file (//abandoned for now//) * stcorrect - slice-time correction with additional options (**NOT YET FUNCTIONAL**) * [[stoufferz]] - Stouffer's Z computation * [[structdiff]] - compare two structures * [[subclusters]] - separate mega cluster into sub-clusters * [[subget]] - get a list of properties as a struct * [[svdc]] - singular value decomposition (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[svmpredict]] - train libSVM based classifier (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[svmtrain]] - train libSVM based classifier (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[tablesextract]] - create tables and extracts from GLM/VMPs * [[tal2acpc]] - convert TAL coordinates into AC-PC coordinates * [[tal2icbm]] - apply non-linear normalization from TAL to ICBM/MNI space * [[tal2mni]] - converts coordinates from TAL brain to best MNI-space guess * tcchecksum - checksum using textcrypt (not reliable for binary data) (//abandoned for now//) * tcpdump_parse - parse tcpdump outfile (-w) file (//abandoned for now//) * [[tcplot]] - plot timecourse data * [[tdclient]] - send request to internet TDdatabase / local TD * [[tdlabel]] - get NGM label of coordinate * [[tdlocal2]] - lookup local TD NiFTi image file for TalLabel * [[tempfilter]] - filter temporal data * [[textcrypt]] - en/decrypt a text message with a rotating key matrix * [[textline]] - one line from a multi-line 1xN char array * [[tfgparse]] - parses a xfigure TFG file into a struct * [[tfmatrix]] - build 4x4 transformation matrix for different steps * [[threshlutc]] - converting thresholded map to looked up colors (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[threshmapc]] - thresholding a double map to 0...1 (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[transmul]] - return the multiplication of M' * M (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[u8str2double]] - convert numeric text (of multi-value data) to double (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[uint322colcode]] - convert from uint32 to colcode array * [[unpackmosaic]] - unpack mosaic from two dimensions into third * [[unzerostring]] - removed string part after first (or last) zero * [[utc]] - return utc-like time code (uint32) * [[uunion]] - unsorted set union. * [[varc]] - calculation of variance along dimension (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[vmrspmcoreg]] - apply SPM's coregistration to two VMRs * [[vmvreadpos]] - read one vertex movie position in a VMV file * [[vmvwritepos]] - write one vertex movie position in a VMV file * [[vtc_concat]] - concatenate VTCs * [[winsorize]] - Winsorize data (to numbers of SD by numbers of passes) * writestcfiles - create STC files from a 4D array (//abandoned for now//) * xffcompare - compares two xff objects (or folders with files) (//abandoned for now//) * [[xffsrfparseneighbors]] - parse neighbors from SRF file (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[xffsrfwriteneighbors]] - write neighbors to SRF file (//MEX file stub/help//) * [[xfigurecallback]] - make sure a callback has its own workspace * [[zerodstring]] - fill a string with zero chars and fix length * [[zsz]] - returns zeros(size(svzar)) * [[ztrans]] - perform z-transformation on time course ===== Toolbox base folder, C-based functions ===== * applyspmsnc.c * clustercoordsc.c * conv3d.c * cov_nd.c * findfirst.c * flexinterpn.c * flexmask.c * floodfill3c.c * gluetostringc.c * histcount.c * hsvconv.c * indexarray.c * isemptycell.c * isinfnan.c * isscalarcell.c * joinlayers.c * kendtaupairsign.c * limitrangec.c * medianc.c * mesh_morph.c * mesh_neighborsarray.c * mesh_reconstruct.c * mesh_trianglestoneighbors.c * mesh_trimapmesh.c * minmaxmean.c * normcdfc.c * num2strtab.c * pinvc.c * qsort.c * renderlayers.c * splittocellc.c * svdc.c * svm2x.cpp * svm3x.cpp * svm3xmodel.c * svmpredictc2x.c * svmpredictc3x.c * svmreadc3x.c * svmtrainc2x.c * svmtrainc3x.c * svmwritec3x.c * threshlutc.c * threshmapc.c * transmul.c * u8str2double.c * varc.c * xffsrfparseneighborsc.c * xffsrfwriteneighborsc.c ===== transimg functions/methods ===== * [[transimg|@transimg/transimg]] - constructor * [[@transimg/addlayer]] - add a layer to a transimg object * [[@transimg/any2ascii]] - overload for any2ascii call * [[@transimg/delete]] - delete (free) object * [[@transimg/dellayer]] - remove layer(s) from transimg object * [[@transimg/display]] - show object (rendered form) * [[@transimg/handle]] - return internal handle * [[@transimg/joinlayers]] - call joinlayers.MEX on layers of transimg object * [[@transimg/render]] - render object * [[@transimg/setbackground]] - set/alter background color * [[@transimg/sethandle]] - set graphics handle * [[@transimg/setlayer]] - replace layer with new data * [[@transimg/setlayeralpha]] - replace alpha channel of layer with new data * [[@transimg/setlayerpixel]] - replace pixel data of layer with new data * [[@transimg/subsref]] - overload for subsref call ===== transio functions ===== * [[transio|@transio/transio]] - constructor * [[@transio/any2ascii]] - overload for any2ascii call * [[@transio/class]] - overload for class call * [[@transio/datatype]] - return datatype of object * [[@transio/display]] - overload for display call * [[@transio/double]] - resolve data to double precision * [[@transio/end]] - overload for end call * [[@transio/filename]] - return filename of file storing underlying data * [[@transio/isempty]] - overload for isempty call * [[@transio/isinf]] - overload for isinf call * [[@transio/isnan]] - overload for isnan call * [[@transio/isnumeric]] - overload for isnumeric call * [[@transio/littleendian]] - return little endian-ness (boolean value) of underlying data * [[@transio/minus]] - overload for minus call * [[@transio/mpower]] - overload for mpower call * [[@transio/mrdivide]] - overload for mrdivide call * [[@transio/mtimes]] - overload for mtimes call * [[@transio/ndims]] - overload for ndims call * [[@transio/numel]] - overload for numel call * [[@transio/offset]] - return offset of data of object in underlying file * [[@transio/plus]] - overload for plus call * [[@transio/power]] - overload for power call * [[@transio/rdivide]] - overload for rdivide call * [[@transio/resolve]] - resolve data in native precision * [[@transio/single]] - resolve data in single precision * [[@transio/size]] - overload for size call * [[@transio/subsasgn]] - overload for subsasgn call * [[@transio/subsref]] - overload for subsref call * [[@transio/times]] - overload for times call ===== xff functions ===== * [[xff|@xff/xff]] - constructor and settings * [[@xff/Call]] - UI/workspace-safe way to call a method on an object * [[@xff/any2ascii]] - overload for any2ascii call * [[@xff/bless]] - remove garbage-collection stack-trace (persistence control) * [[@xff/clear]] - free memory associated with an object * [[@xff/delete]] - free memory associated with an object * [[@xff/display]] - overload for display call * [[@xff/eq]] - overload for eq call * [[@xff/fieldnames]] - overload for fieldnames call * [[@xff/get]] - overload for get call * [[@xff/getcont]] - retrieve object's content as struct * [[@xff/help]] - retrieve help on object * [[@xff/methods]] - overload for methods call * [[@xff/ndims]] - overload for ndims call * [[@xff/ne]] - overload for ne call * [[@xff/new]] - create new object (requires additional parameter) * [[@xff/setcont]] - set object's content (field number and names must match!) * [[@xff/size]] - overload for size call * [[@xff/subsasgn]] - overload for subsasgn call * [[@xff/subsref]] - overload for subsref call (also methods) ==== xff private functions (besides OBJ::Method files) ==== * [[@xff/private/bffdocu]] - documentation of BFF formats and functionality * [[@xff/private/bffio]] - handle BFF (binary file formats) I/O * [[@xff/private/bffparse]] - parse BFF specification files * [[@xff/private/dcmio]] - handle DICOM I/O (input only) * [[@xff/private/dicom_vr]] - DICOM value representations * [[@xff/private/fifio]] - specifically handle FIF I/O (input only) * [[@xff/private/tffdocu]] - documentation of TFF formats and functionality * [[@xff/private/tffio]] - handle TFF (text file formats) I/O * [[@xff/private/tffparse]] - parse TFF specification files * [[@xff/private/xffclear]] - clear object (global variable memory) * [[@xff/private/xffdetectmagic]] - detect filetype from magic tokens * [[@xff/private/xffdtsfparsefibers]] - parse fibers in DTSF file * [[@xff/private/xffdtsfwritefibers]] - write fibers to DTSF file * [[@xff/private/xffformats]] - return parsed formats * [[@xff/private/xffgetcont]] - get content of object * [[@xff/private/xffgetscont]] - get super-structure content of object (incl. meta data) * [[@xff/private/xffmethods]] - return available methods for object types * [[@xff/private/xffrequestfile]] - file request dialog * [[@xff/private/xffsetcont]] - set content of object * [[@xff/private/xffsetscont]] - set super-structure content of object (update meta data) ===== xfigure functions ===== * [[xfigure|@xfigure/xfigure]] - constructor * [[@xfigure/any2ascii]] - overload for any2ascii call * [[@xfigure/display]] - overload for display call * [[@xfigure/fieldnames]] - overload for fieldnames call * [[@xfigure/methods]] - overload for methods call * [[@xfigure/mlhandle]] - return Matlab graphics handle of xfigure object * [[@xfigure/mstring]] - apply MultiString method to object * [[@xfigure/subsasgn]] - overload for subsasgn call * [[@xfigure/subsref]] - overload for subsref call ===== xini functions ===== * [[xini|@xini/xini]] - constructor * [[@xini/display]] - overload for display call * [[@xini/fieldnames]] - overload for fieldnames call * [[@xini/methods]] - overload for methods call * [[@xini/subsasgn]] - overload for subsasgn call * [[@xini/subsref]] - overload for subsref call ===== xprogress functions ===== * [[xprogress|@xprogress/xprogress]] - constructor * [[@xprogress/closebar]] - close xprogress bar and clear object * [[@xprogress/subsasgn]] - overload for subsasgn call * [[@xprogress/subsref]] - overload for subsref call