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The reason why I wanted this method is to have an additional interface to access already loaded documents (from within scripts) without being given there handles. The method closely works together with the root.Document method–please also read this page…

Method reference ('root.Help('Documents')')

 ROOT::Documents  - get list of "Documents" (VB-Style interface)
 FORMAT:       [docs, doct] = xff.Documents([type]);
 Input fields:
       type        if given, must be one of the valid 3/4 char types
                   or a regexpi list of types '(ext1|ext2|ext3)'
 Output fields:
       docs        currently loaded documents
       doct        file types of loaded documents


To get a list of handles to all documents currently loaded by the xff class, a call without arguments can be used:

% get root object handle
root = xff;
% get handles to all documents
handles = root.Documents;

To further restrict the selection, you can give one extension, such as vmr:

% get root object handle
root = xff;
% get handles to all VMR documents
vmrs = root.Documents('vmr');

And to get documents of one of several types, a regular expression can be used:

% get root object handle
root = xff;
% get handles to all statistical objects
stats = root.Documents('(glm|vmp)');
root.documents.txt · Last modified: 2010/08/04 15:44 by jochen