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Scripting of the processing stream (example)


While for educational purposes it is quite useful to perform steps more manually, on a daily basis it is much more convenient (and less error prone) to have one or several scripts do the “work” and only take care of their configuration.


For this example, the following programs must be installed and information available:

  • bash, find, mkdir, mv, rsync, ssh, tar (come with most OSes that have a terminal or shell)
  • Matlab v7.0 or higher, SPM5/SPM8, and NeuroElf v0.9a or higher
  • location of subject data at the scanning facility (server)
  • local folder and knowledge about desired structure

Sub components

As part of this scripted approach requires the shell, there are multiple scripts. Part of the data handling is performed by shell commands (data retrieval, archiving) whereas the processing is implemented via SPM's job manager. The following steps are covered:

  • data import (from a remote SSH-accessible server)
  • correct renaming and creation of folders (into existing study structure)
  • archiving (possibly configured as a regularly executed job via crontab)
  • fMRI quality assessment (per run)
  • preprocessing (SPM5 or SPM8)
  • conversion into BrainVoyager QX's VTC format
  • automatic logfile parsing (PRT generation)
  • computing a RFX-GLM of all available subjects (upon request)

Data import

# settings ; PLEASE ADAPT
# ensure there are arguments
if [[ "a$@" == "a" ]] ; then
    echo "No subjects requested."
    echo "USAGE (import one subject): $0 subject1"
    echo "USAGE (import several subjects): $0 subject1 subject2 subject3 ..."
    echo "USAGE (import several subjects, pattern based): $0 subj\*patt"
    echo "---"
    echo "This script uses ssh. You will be asked to enter"
    echo "the password of user $REMOTE_USER on host $REMOTE_HOST."
    echo "---"
    echo "Data will be stored in $LOCAL_FOLDER."
    exit 1;
# change into local folder
# retrieve requested files
ssh -l $REMOTE_USER REMOTE_HOST "cd $REMOTE_FOLDER ; tar -cf - $@" | tar -xf -

Folder naming and creation

# settings ; PLEASE ADAPT
SUBFOLDERS="functional onsets structural"
# Note: the SUBFOLDERS variable can be easily adapted to create
# several levels of folders:
# SUBFOLDERS="functional functional/raw functional/prepro ..."
# for every folder found (matching the pattern)
find $LOCAL_FOLDER -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name "$SUBJ_PATTERN" | while read subject_folder ; do
    # make sure all subfolders we need exist
    for sub in $SUBFOLDERS ; do
        mkdir $subject_folder/$sub 2>/dev/null
    # rename original folder, if existent, to raw
    find $subject_folder -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name "$SUBJ_PATTERN" -exec mv {} $RAWFOLDER \;


For this, there is really no need for a script, simply let rsync do the work:
rsync -aut /Users/XXX/Desktop/CPU /Volumes/CPU/ImagingData

This can be easily added as a line to crontab (callable via crontab -e):

30 2 * * * /usr/bin/rsync -aut /Users/XXX/Desktop/CPU /Volumes/CPU/ImagingData

Note: On MacOSX to ensure that the backuping volume is always available, add it to the user's startup items list in System Preferences, and store the password to that network volume in your keychain!

DICOM import

This part of the scripted process is already covered at its own, proper page. See |image file conversion for more information.


processing_stream_-_scripted.1276114177.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/06/09 20:09 by jochen