====== NeuroElf - GUI Scripting ====== ===== Motivation ===== While using the GUI manually (browsing maps, setting thresholds, etc.) is usually the first step in getting a feel for the data, sometimes it is yet convenient to create a set of images (screenshots, etc.) that all have the same properties, which then becomes a matter for scripting. NeuroElf thus offers the capability to control much of the behavior available via mouse clicks as function calls to the neuroelf_gui function. ===== Requirements ===== In the presented case, a GLM file was manually opened, and a VMP file was pre-created containing the result of regression maps. ===== Script ===== % get global access to NeuroElf GUI config (ne_gcfg) global ne_gcfg; % list of maps to cluster and show effects of maps = [1, 2, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32]; % get handle to xff class x = xff; % which file to use as underlay for display try vmr = x('colin_brain_ICBMnorm.vmr'); catch vmr = neuroelf_file('c', 'colin_brain_ICBMnorm.vmr'); end vmr.Browse; % load VMP try vmp = x('reappdevel_38subs_agesquared_correl.vmp'); catch vmp = xff('/Volumes/reappdevel/Imaging/bv_analyses/reappdevel_38subs_agesquared_correl.vmp'); end vmp.Browse; % open montage window neuroelf_gui('vismontage'); drawnow; % options for montage images miopt = struct( ... 'atrans', false, ... 'atranscol', [0, 0, 0], ... 'blx', [1, 1], ... 'brds', 0, ... 'drc', 1, ... 'drs', 256, ... 'filename', './X.png', ... 'flp', false, ... 'flx', false, ... 'frame', [128, 128, 128; -127.99, -127.99, -127.9999], ... 'hFig', xfigure('Wnd_NeuroElf_vismontage'), ... 'imeth', 'linear', ... 'imetha', 'linear', ... 'join', true, ... 'ppv', 4, ... 'showinfig', false, ... 'slvar', vmr, ... 'stalp', 1, ... 'stthr', [0.1, 1.0], ... 'stvar', vmp, ... 'stvix', 1, ... 'sws', false, ... 'tpvol', 1); % get (Matlab UI) handle of all beta plot windows cfigs = fieldnames(ne_gcfg.cc); bpfig = cfigs(~isemptycell(regexpi(cfigs, '^BP'))); bpglm = bpfig; bpglmf = bpglm; bpglmvb = bpglm; for fc = 1:numel(bpfig) bpglm{fc} = ne_gcfg.cc.(bpfig{fc}).Config.glm; bpfig{fc} = ne_gcfg.cc.(bpfig{fc}).SatelliteMLH; [glmpath, bpglmf{fc}] = fileparts(bpglm{fc}.FilenameOnDisk); end bpfig = cat(1, bpfig{:}); % set figure size(s) set(bpfig, 'Position', [100, 100, 1024, 768]); % iterate over maps for mc = 1:numel(maps) % get map number and name mn = maps(mc); mnm = makelabel(vmp.Map(mn).Name); % enable clustering thresholds and two-tailed test vmp.Map(mn).ClusterSize = 57; vmp.Map(mn).EnableClusterCheck = 1; vmp.Map(mn).ShowPositiveNegativeFlag = 3; % set as current map neuroelf_gui('setcstatmap', mn); % enforce correct threshold neuroelf_gui('setstatthrpval', 0.01); % create cluster table neuroelf_gui('clustertable'); % continue if no clusters if isempty(ne_gcfg.voi.VOI) continue; end % set map in options for montage image drawnow; miopt.stvix = mn; miopt.stthr = [vmp.Map(mn).LowerThreshold, vmp.Map(mn).UpperThreshold]; % restrict clusters to 8mm spheres neuroelf_gui('setcluster', 'set', 1:numel(ne_gcfg.voi.VOI)); neuroelf_gui('limitclusters', {8, 's'}); % get VOI object handle voi = ne_gcfg.voi; % extract betas for fc = 1:numel(bpglm) bpglmvb{fc} = bpglm{fc}.VOIBetas(voi); end % iterate over clusters for cc = 2:2:numel(voi.VOI); % get coordinate and text svoi = voi.VOI(cc); svoic = svoi.Voxels(1, :); svoin = regexprep(svoi.Name, '^.*_(.H_.*)$', '$1'); svoin = regexprep(svoin, '_sph.*$', ''); svoin = regexprep(svoin, '_+$', ''); % build cluster name clname = sprintf('%s%s_%d_%d_%d', mnm, svoin, svoic(1), svoic(2), svoic(3)); % set cluster neuroelf_gui('setcluster', 'set', cc); % draw and update pause(0.01); drawnow; pause(0.01); % handle barplots for fc = 1:numel(bpfig) % get frame(s) from figure(s) bplot = getframe(bpfig(fc)); % save as PNGs imwrite(bplot.cdata, sprintf('%s_%s_plot.png', bpglmf{fc}, clname)); % save extract data as well vb = bpglmvb{fc}(:, [2, 4, 6], cc); save(sprintf('%s_%s_extract.txt', bpglmf{fc}, clname), 'vb', '-ascii'); end % create three panel views miopt.drc = 1; % SAG miopt.filename = sprintf('%s_%s_SAG.png', bpglmf{fc}, clname); miopt.frame = [128, 128, 128; svoic(1), -127.99, -127.9999]; neuroelf_gui('vismontage_create_ex', miopt); miopt.drc = 2; % COR miopt.filename = sprintf('%s_%s_COR.png', bpglmf{fc}, clname); miopt.frame = [128, 128, 128; -127.99, svoic(2), -127.9999]; neuroelf_gui('vismontage_create_ex', miopt); miopt.drc = 3; % TRA miopt.filename = sprintf('%s_%s_TRA.png', bpglmf{fc}, clname); miopt.frame = [128, 128, 128; -127.99, -127.99, svoic(3)]; neuroelf_gui('vismontage_create_ex', miopt); end end ===== Remarks ===== Many aspects of this script can still be adapted, such as the settings for the single-slice montage images, or the thresholding options. The usefulness of such a script is, of course, questionable, and without a doubt a more sophisticated script (e.g. one that re-loads images and combines them to a panel, etc.) could be devised. However, it is important to understand that this is meant as a starting point!