====== dcm2nii (import DICOM images using SPM's DICOM Import) ====== ===== Motivation ===== Neuroimaging data is usually acquired in a format unsuitable for data processing (e.g. missing or incomplete support for data manipulation in existing files), such as DICOM or PAR/REC (Philips proprietary). SPM comes with an import function for this, and the dcm2nii function collects the required information and passes it on to the SPM Job manager. ===== Requirements ===== To be able to use this function you must have * a working installation of SPM5 or SPM8 on the path * a single folder containing the DICOM images to be imported as one scan * an existing target folder to receive the imported/converted images ===== Function reference ('help dcm2nii') ===== dcm2nii - convert DICOM to NII files FORMAT: dcm2nii(source, target, opts) Input fields: source source folder containing DICOM files target target folder opts optional settings .dcmpat DICOM file pattern, default: '*.dcm' .format either {'img'} or 'nii' No output fields. ===== Usage notes ===== In case you have multiple sessions of data in the source folder, these files must have a unique filename pattern per session, so that by re-setting the ''.dcmpat'' field you can selectively choose which files to import! ===== Usage example ===== This code imports the DICOM files contained in one folder into a different folder: % import DICOM images % - from /Data/Study/Subjects/s04/func/raw/192_r1 % - into /Data/Study/Subjects/s04/func/prepro/r01_192 % - save resulting images as .nii files dcm2nii( ... '/Data/Study/Subjects/s04/func/raw/192_r1', ... '/Data/Study/Subjects/s04/func/prepro/r01_192', ... struct('format', 'nii'));